
Identifier Results

Field Value
Identifier nemo:dat-9acq8g2
Dataset Name Cell-type-specific population dynamics of diverse reward computations
Version NA
Release Date NA
Source Data URL
Dataset Collection URL NA
Description Computational analysis of cellular activity has developed largely independently of modern transcriptomic cell typology, but integrating these approaches may be essential for full insight into cellular-level mechanisms underlying brain function and dysfunction. Applying this approach to the habenula (a structure with diverse, intermingled molecular, anatomical, and computational features), we identified encoding of reward-predictive cues and reward outcomes in distinct genetically defined neural populations, including TH+ cells and Tac1+ cells. Data from genetically targeted recordings were used to train an optimized nonlinear dynamical systems model and revealed activity dynamics consistent with a line attractor. High-density, cell-type-specific electrophysiological recordings and optogenetic perturbation provided supporting evidence for this model. Reverse-engineering predicted how Tac1+ cells might integrate reward history, which was complemented by in vivo experimentation. This integrated approach describes a process by which data-driven computational models of population activity can generate and frame actionable hypotheses for cell-type-specific investigation in biological systems.
Keywords medial habenula; STARmap
Total Files in Collection 0
Total Size in Collection (in GB) 0.0
Authors Emily L. Sylwestrak, YoungJu Jo, Sam Vesuna, Xiao Wang, Blake Holcomb, Rebecca H. Tien, Doo Kyung Kim, Lief Fenno, Charu Ramakrishnan, William E. Allen, Ritchie Chen, Krishna V. Shenoy, David Sussillo, Karl Deisseroth
Organization Stanford University
Contact Person Karl Deisseroth
Contact E-Mail
External Identifier
Grant Name U19NS118284
Consortium BICCN
Data Repository NeMO
Data Repository RRID RRID:SCR_016152
Data License CC BY 4.0
Data Access
Community Standards
Study Organism mouse
Protocol ID

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