
Identifier Results

Field Value
Identifier nemo:dat-uidmee0
Dataset Name Rapid effects of valproic acid on the fetal brain transcriptome: implications for brain development and autism: Raw data
Version NA
Release Date NA
Source Data URL
Dataset Collection URL
Description Raw data from fetal brains of mouse associated with the following publication: Dorsey, S.G., Mocci, E., Lane, M.V., Krueger, B.K. Rapid effects of valproic acid on the fetal brain transcriptome: implications for brain development and autism. Transl Psychiatry 14, 482 (2024).
Keywords Mus musculus
Total Files in Collection 28
Total Size in Collection (in GB) 379.0
Authors Susan G. Dorsey, Evelina Mocci, Malcolm V. Lane, Bruce K. Krueger
Organization Departments of Physiology and Psychiatry University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
Contact Person Bruce K. Krueger
Contact E-Mail
External Identifier Dorsey_Krueger_Mouse_Fetal_Brain_Transcriptome_2024_Raw
Grant Name NA
Consortium NA
Data Repository NA
Data Repository RRID NA
Data License NA
Data Access NA
Community Standards NA
Study Organism
Protocol ID NA
Parent Identifier

This identifier does not have sub-identifiers with "raw" data associated

This identifier does not have sub-identifiers with "analysis" data associated

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